• Mamarazzi Files

    Mamarazzi Files:  Why I Love Being a Mom Photographer

    — The most wonderful day for Cinderella came when Prince Charming stopped by her house and slipped that glass slipper on her foot.  Mine came on that day when I finally held in my hands my first DLSR camera.  On both instances, our lives – Cinderella’s and mine- changed forever. Since that moment when I first squeezed the shutter of my camera, I never saw the world in the same way again.  Peering through that lens gave me an entirely new perspective on life.  Things took on a different image, and gave new meaning to the word “beauty”.  I saw the world in a whole new light.

  • Flora


      — Sometimes I wish I was a contortionist, so I’d have the flexibility to kick myself – multiple times! Nobody hates me more than myself whenever I say or do things which I later on regret. Almost as soon as I say something nasty, I want to roll my tongue up and swallow it. By then, it’s already too late to undo the pain I caused someone.   More often than not, it’s a case of “What was I thinking?” It’s irrational how I could’ve said something with no basis at all. It’s almost as if something has possessed me, voiding me of all sense and reason. Unseen outside…

  • Sunrises and Sunsets


    Celebrities – and some of my admittedly vainer friends – have taken to Botox and collagen injections to keep themselves looking young.  Not that I’m afraid of needles, but I just don’t feel that I need to go down that route.  Sure, they can do what they want with their money, but I have found a much cheaper alternative to preserving my youth.  Worry and stress are the usual suspects when it comes to stripping us of our youthful glow.  So whenever I feel a stress attack coming on, I simply look out my window.  I guess I’m blessed to have a window in my room which is large enough to frame the…