Mamarazzi Files

Mamarazzi Files:  Why I Love Being a Mom Photographer


The most wonderful day for Cinderella came when Prince Charming stopped by her house and slipped that glass slipper on her foot.  Mine came on that day when I finally held in my hands my first DLSR camera.  On both instances, our lives – Cinderella’s and mine- changed forever.

Since that moment when I first squeezed the shutter of my camera, I never saw the world in the same way again.  Peering through that lens gave me an entirely new perspective on life.  Things took on a different image, and gave new meaning to the word “beauty”.  I saw the world in a whole new light.


One of the things I enjoy taking pictures of the most are my kids.  They are my life and joy, and I take sheer delight in snapping candid photos of them whenever I feel the urge to.  I am the Mamarazzi personified.  One of these days, I won’t be surprised if my youngest boy shoos me away for invading his privacy with my photography.

I love taking action shots of my kids.  Even if they’re just running around the house in their pyjamas, I see that as a photo opp.  Whatever goes on at that moment- joy, frivolity, or simple foolishness- can forever be forgotten, if not seized by the camera lens.

Why I Love Being a Mom Photographer

Other shutterbug moms I know also derive unspoken pleasure from taking snapshots of their kids.  They take pride in taking photos of their kids as they go about their daily routine.  Whether their toddler is simply picking a pebble off the sidewalk or doing ballet at a dance recital, they all evoke the same emotion.  Every tiny moment captured on film- or should I say, digitally- is a testament to an episode in their life which signifies growth.

I may not have the power to freeze time, but with my camera in hand, I have the uncanny ability to immobilize life and love at their best.


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